Neomitois Genesis

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Bi(bub)ble Boomerang Symbiosis Living
Tour Akhirat whirls reformatting Life's BIOS interfacing Earth's self-healing

"It matters not how a man dies, but how he lives". ~ Samuel Johnson "There's only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self." ~ Aldous Huxley

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Mr. Money Encycles, Not Just Mr. Money Miser
"You should not empower misers. They've ruined many nations before you". ~ Mohammad
Living (Profit) Road: Sanctity, authenticity, frugality radiances, flowing inside-out creativities yieding UPOL boomerangs.

"Tao is yievincing". ~ Lao Tzu

Death (Loss) Road: In dmaging Durga intima mesing

The Lord of the Lords of the Rings/ King of Kings

"Seeking diffeudes, you find peace." ~ Ralph Peterson

Life Engine of Greatness: Every neural, quietistic, humble, UPOLThe sacred downlinks perking, engendering .


Wednesday, February 27, 2008


The whole is simpler than the sum of it parts. .. Anonymous

NAMASTE: "Five Common senses are incomplete without the 6th .... Let micro cosmos (circulatory dwelling in whirling system of life on earth) namas (evoluting > revoluting > involuting) maco cosmos (circulatory system of universe)". ~ Buddha

SACRIFICE (only objective stated here, know-how available in BJM TRIBE's Ambassador Clubs and on MacSoft Disposition Camps):

Kill ego self's body of living hectic, mediocrity Ne(u)ro(n) Burning life knowledge (Die before death - zip or move all egoism, heroism, individualism, plutocratic capitalism folders, together with greed > lust > anger > celebrity seeking emotinal, energy dispersing databased, to an external backup drive) - to give space for consistent downloading of the Knowledge of the Noble Self and communal capitalism.

the habitual addition of streaming headDrive energy into the left brain forcing it to run mediocrity Ne(u)ro Burning (hot head) cultural thinking, together with the habit of drawing individualistic, egoistic, heroic dream picture of single car/ house/ .. bank account.

HUMAN(ITY) DREAM: Sacrifice practice eases/ rests/ relaxes/ empties earthly left-front brain energy path in nirvana (Olympus/ Himalayan/ sinai/ Nangnim stable cool head) energy pathway - to allow the left brain listening and working in synch with the Noble Self's dream picture (drawing through brain stems > back brain> right brain of evergrowing cash flows in and out of 250, 000, 000 bank accounts of serious relearning practitioners that circulate to lift socio-economic status of millions of millions families of new relearning practioners.

Abandon the gravities (dragging, holding, draining, pressuring, tempting) of and dependencies on all external/ borrowed/ temporal powers. And, gradually, strategically wisely (not cleaverly) transfer any kind of works/ hobbies that solely empower plutocratic capitalism to someone resonating to you - to livv working empowering ineractivites and interdependencies between communal capitalism and plutocratic capitalism.

HUMAN(ITY) GOAL: Man can gradually achieve this high goal of sacrifice for living upper-plane spirituality > humanity maturity - by duplicating living as investing time, energy, update mentality, and money/ material possessions for co-manifesting and sharing accelerando circulatory flows of peace, happiness, health, leverage love, and material wealth on an Exodus Life-giving Reproof & Parallilo Capitalism Backup Mentoring System.

Consensus prophetic habitual TTT (think, talk, touch) exemplified spontaneous, simultaneous co-innovations of evergrowing, everlasting messianic lif-giving & mentoring backup system (guided synthesis learning in actions called, in view of exodus mentors, religion of no-religions) or natural habitual thinking system -- parallel to reasoning knowledge of mediocrity scholars, philosophers, teachers, hermits, priests.

As Albert Einstien ever hinted, "A person starts to live when he can live outside himself", and, "I want to know God's thoughts; the rest are details". Man grows great (accelerando nonstop) in all areas of life when he lives letting his micro TTT (thking, talk, touch) karmar boomerangs namas (involuting) macro TTT of God/ Tao/ Shiva/ Zeus -- whatever name -- that pervades optimum/ maximum whirling circulatory flows of trinity in/of life (life force, intuitive wisdom, and communal hi-touch) through true life (called the Noble Self: the Spirit > Soul > Mind > Brain > Body 6th sense energy pathway) unto the surroundings in physical touch and universally far out.

ONLY OUR NOBLE SELVES ARE ONE: The Noble Self is your/ our/ anybody's true life/ primordial life (universe-sized energy body/ God(by cosmos)-operated computor operating system) circulating trinity of life (the Knowledge of the Noble Self) from the univese down to earth radiating around back to the universe. Only if each individual's sefl-revolution/ relearning/ soul seeking/ wisdom seeking journey is heading directly back to primordial life, they'll find oneness/ unbreakable/ irreplacible relationships.

Your mediocrity academic MMMOMMMCHHH thinking engineering machine (Mr. Left Brain) gets bound (addicted) to neuron cords (cabled vibration) of five common senses that are ruled by greed > lust > anger > celebrity seeking influence of Miss Ne(u)ro(n) Burning Emotion (that powered by liking/ disliking/ used to/ not used to, familiar/ unfamiliar database).

Miss Ne(u)ro(n) Burning Emotion, born and grew up together with Mr. Left Brain after you came out of the mother womb, as well as her words your left brain thinks, your mouth speaks, your body responses to act, belong to evil species, in the family of Nero Burner, the Kingdom of Satan low-touch energy network of material world's womb.

Your mind (with a superpwoer Ginie subconscious) is heaven mandated to be slave to the front brain. But, to fit the cultural thinking of whoever you have depended on under mediocrity cultural thinking, you've trained (reset) your front brain to listen (resonate > syncronize > integrate involuting to only the vibration of Mr. Left Brain under the mini skirt of Miss Ne(u)ro(n) Burning Emotion.

Thus, your mediocrity left brain is very sharp to chop for only whatever familiair to Miss Ne(u)ro(n) Burning Emotion, and quick to throw away what Miss Ne(u)ro(n) Burning Emotion doesn't like, unfamilair, not get used to (the reason why the teachings of all prophets get corrupted) by mediocrity philosophers/ scholars/ hermits/ religion leaders.

IP ADDRESS CONFLICTS: Every popup existence of event, condition, situation, phenomenon gives mesianic info. Thus, if you read (or listening/ physically touching (onto anything on earth - not necessary to be the info here) with any kind of thinking, for example, "I already know", "I don't understand", or busy comparing, associating with what you know, your mind is closed or half-closed against transcendental exodus.

Because, the energy gets addressed to through dark tunnel IP router of the five senses - this case, you're dead (from God's hyperlink) - practicing reading by your Ne(u)ro Burning Network brain (headDrive), not your 6th-sense Network heartDrive (the Noble Self).

The habit of reading with thinking fortifies man to resist/ oppose relearning practice, forcing the lifeboat's captain, Mr. Front Brain, to order the Ginie to drag the Soul's energy, coaxing it into the dark tunnels of the five common senses to help it see clearer. If not change, exodus zenith leaders have to, "Let the deaths burry the death". ~ Jesus Christ.

You see ? Captain Front Brain has been always working against God. He keeps turning his ass toward wireless gateway to the 6th sense energy path -profoundly involuting, respecting, working for, empowering Satan network, not God network ! Relearning = Getting the astraying life boat captain converted !

SEEK AMBASSADOR'S HELP FIRST: Many made false steps rushing to discuss, debate, express opinions academic way with mentors, and get left out. Seek to practice profound listening and basic exodus apprentice (apprending practice - keeping precisive direction, confinements, and definement of TTT karma boomeranging) culture with an exodus mentor's ambassador first, to practice shedding or breaching your mediocrity hunting lion skin and smell.
Click here to see what great benefits you can get from a BJM Ambassador.

Exodus mentors' time, energy, mentality, and money/ tangible assets are sacrificed for co-innovating comunal capitalism - where peace, happiness, health, leverage love, freedom and wealth sharing - genuine civilization are protected. Mentors choose to stay secluded from raw mediocrity habital TTTers who don't care for anybody peaceful feeling kingdom - for they just think to take, or give less to get more, and pressuring others with external powers and Ne(u)ro burning quality of mind and character.

In association, unpolished manners, belief, and modern cultural thinking of mediocrities are enemies/ viruses to exodus movement, and to transcendental relearning to upgrade mankind spirituality > mentality > humanity maturity. Mediocrities common task on mission is to hunt exodus movers back to fit their helly belief and cultural thinking.

They'll keep saying, "I agree/ I don't agree" before giving it a try to practice even suggested 'profound listening' - without realizing that nobody ever sought his agreement, without realizing that they have to relearn to respect the existing right of others, and without realizing that the mentors have no objection for them to live the way they believe.

AVOID CONFRONTATION: For relearning novices, it's wiser not to chant what you read, listened or saw, if you don't want to get trouble with mediocrity hunting/ untamed lions. Instead, it smoother to live on this planet if you share only what you directly experienced in changing inside out (and only if they're interested to know more hint them to read/ listen/ associate by themselves.

Hold down your mediocrity TTT -- think, talk, touch (the way people commonly use in sponsoring people into MLM organization). Exodus is the world of quietist and total constructive TTT practitioners, upper-platform spiritual practice spares no rooms for talkative, destructive, interrupting, lobbying, convincing, manupulating TTT practitioners). Learn to give to test for the quality of mind and character with propensity to seek upper-plane living before letting anybody know what you know beyond mediocrity thinking boxes.

"The bluprint of peaceful, happy, healthy living on accelerando circulatory flows of leverage love, freedom, and wealth already exist in cosmos circulatory system. Just relearn through practice living transforming your next-life in sync with it". ~ Ralph Peterson

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Dwelling with alpha wings balances makes life, dwelling with left wing misers ruins life.COMFORTABLY SUFFERING HEROES: Depleting life, family's socioeconomic lives for diploma, rank, position, income, sex/ temporal body pleasures, celebrity, respect, pharaonic (state/ land occupancy/ ownership) power and plutocratic (money) power achievements traps life Sisypheanly in modern Roman Symposiums of BBB (banks, bosses, brewers) -sponsored wealth holding/ hoarding marketing and military warfares.

Man can choose to relearn to live empowering divinity communal capitalism that gives life, or not to relearn to live empowering mediocrity plutocratic capitalism that sucks life.

"Choose you this day, for whom you will work". ~ Jesus Christ
"The sacrifice of knowledge is greater than the sacrifice of material possessions.
After all, the sacrifice of work culminates in transcendental knowledge".
~ Bhagavad-Gita