Neomitois Genesis

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Bi(bub)ble Boomerang Symbiosis Living
Tour Akhirat whirls reformatting Life's BIOS interfacing Earth's self-healing

"It matters not how a man dies, but how he lives". ~ Samuel Johnson "There's only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self." ~ Aldous Huxley

Soulful Questors
Symbiosis Uthos


> InfoBridge
> UPOL Lifers
> Love Kibalat
Sheng Jens
> SAF Franchise
> 3D Life Lab
Khon Tomyam
> Hobbit dUmos
Vashira Healing

Mice dUmos Mission

Since 29/ 7/ 2010:
Website counter
Clips Quotes

Mr. Money Encycles, Not Just Mr. Money Miser
"You should not empower misers. They've ruined many nations before you". ~ Mohammad
Living (Profit) Road: Sanctity, authenticity, frugality radiances, flowing inside-out creativities yieding UPOL boomerangs.

"Tao is yievincing". ~ Lao Tzu

Death (Loss) Road: In dmaging Durga intima mesing

The Lord of the Lords of the Rings/ King of Kings

"Seeking diffeudes, you find peace." ~ Ralph Peterson

Life Engine of Greatness: Every neural, quietistic, humble, UPOLThe sacred downlinks perking, engendering .


Monday, July 12, 2010



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Dwelling with alpha wings balances makes life, dwelling with left wing misers ruins life.COMFORTABLY SUFFERING HEROES: Depleting life, family's socioeconomic lives for diploma, rank, position, income, sex/ temporal body pleasures, celebrity, respect, pharaonic (state/ land occupancy/ ownership) power and plutocratic (money) power achievements traps life Sisypheanly in modern Roman Symposiums of BBB (banks, bosses, brewers) -sponsored wealth holding/ hoarding marketing and military warfares.

Man can choose to relearn to live empowering divinity communal capitalism that gives life, or not to relearn to live empowering mediocrity plutocratic capitalism that sucks life.

"Choose you this day, for whom you will work". ~ Jesus Christ
"The sacrifice of knowledge is greater than the sacrifice of material possessions.
After all, the sacrifice of work culminates in transcendental knowledge".
~ Bhagavad-Gita